I would like to tell you a story. It is kind of like a modern day love story. Only in this story, there is not necessarily going to be a happy ending. Now, now I don't want to hear any whining. We will get to that soon enough (along with some sobbing and definitely some screaming). This story will also have no point, no moral, no lesson to learn (unless, of course, it causes you to believe in total randomness).
I must warn you such a journey into the mind of a mad woman can only have a negative effect on you. You really should not let me tell you this tale. Morality, ethics, and humanity are not readily found inside my flights of fancy. I find that I am not very fond of people in general and do not have the inclination to fake any sympathy. If you do decide to stay a while and listen then I claim no farther responsibility.
So it would seem that you really want to listen to my tale. Then I can only say to you: Sit back, play some good music, dim the lights and come with me on a dip into the dark side of reality.
Once upon a time (that is the way any good story should start)…..
I am going to tell you the story of Leesa Walken. She looks just like anyone else if you were to meet her on the street. She doesn't dress in fancy clothes. She doesn't wear makeup or shiny jewelry. In fact, if you were to pass her on the street you would probably not even see her. But she sees you. And you better hope that she doesn't take notice of you. Let me tell you what happened to the last person she found interesting.
It was early in the spring. The flowers were just coming out after a long cold winter, as were the throngs of sun worshiping beautiful people. The mornings were still cool but the afternoons were full of sunshine. The air smelt clean after the spring rains. All of these wonderful things to put a skip in your step and a song on your lips. That is, if you liked these things. Leesa did not.
Leesa loved the night. The long days of the spring and summer just annoyed her. Less time for her to be out. The light and the heat physically hurt. So Leesa found something else to do with her time during the long bright days, something she could do in her dark, cool basement. Today she was searching for just the right victim….err person to do this with.
Not much is know about where Leesa comes from or where she got her financial security. Her past is sketchy at best. Leesa is even not sure of all the details. Of course, the past is not very important to her. Only the moment…and then the next moment and then the next. Hopefully all of those moments leading to one of those exquisite moments. You probably don't know what I am talking about but perhaps by the end of this you will.
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